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Create a Dataframe from List

LeetCode #2877 🟢 Easy Pandas Solve by @noeyislearning

Problem Statement

Write a solution to create a DataFrame from a 2D list called student_data. This 2D list contains the IDs and ages of some students.

The DataFrame should have two columns, student_id and age, and be in the same order as the original 2D list.

The result format is in the following example.

Example 1:

Input: student_data
[ [1, 15], [2, 11], [3, 11], [4, 20] ]


A DataFrame was created on top of student_data, with two columns named student_id and age.


import pandas as pd
from typing import List

def createDataframe(student_data: List[List[int]]) -> pd.DataFrame:
    df = pd.DataFrame(student_data, columns=['student_id', 'age'])

    return df


Imagine you have a list of lists, like a table with rows and columns. Each row represents a student, and the columns contain their ID and age. We want to transform this list into a special kind of table called a DataFrame, which is easier to work with.

We use a special tool called Pandas, which is like a super calculator for data. Here's what it does:

  • (Create the DataFrame) We tell Pandas to take our list of lists and turn it into a DataFrame. We also specify the names of the columns: "student_id" and "age". It's like telling our friend how to organize the data.
  • (Return the DataFrame) Now that our friend has built the DataFrame, we get it back and can use it for other tasks.

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